Wednesday, August 3, 2011

"Do What You Love And The Money Will Follow"

If you love doing something, you will naturally become good at it simply because you love doing it and you spend time doing it, more so than the average person. Repetition inevitably leads to improvement. And it’s not like you do the same thing over and over again. You learn each time you do it and get better and better. And if doing what you love incorporates your natural talents, you’re likely to become great at it. Either way, you become better than the average person not only in terms of skill, but in a variety of areas related to what you love to do – knowledge, experience, intuition, contacts made, etc., that you gather along the way.

You start to differentiate yourself from the pack and stand out and that’s when you really begin to put yourself on the path of making money from doing what you love to do.

Do What You Love And The Money Will Follow!

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