Saturday, August 6, 2011

Are You Out of Balance? Do you frequently feel:

Overwhelmed, burned-out, exhausted, depressed, anxious, stressed, irritable, rushed? Does one area of your life demand most of your attention, while other parts suffer? You are not alone! A large majority of people are living chaotic, unbalanced lives today.
Home-Based Professionals

With home-based professionals, the problem is multiplied because we often lack a clear division between work and family obligations. By focusing on creating more balance between the important aspects of our lives, we can create more enjoyment and meaning in all areas.

It is important to remember that being out of balance is most often a HABIT. We don't intend to get out of balance, but our scattered thoughts and actions day by day eventually result in chaos and disorder. Fortunately, just like we got out of balance gradually, we can also choose to get back IN balance gradually. It is a process, and a journey.

Take a look at these articles for some work/life balance tips:

Four Facets of Work Life Balance
How do we create balance in our lives? I believe there are four key areas of our lives that require (yes, require!) daily attention.
Making Your Life Meaningful
Sometimes we forget how fleeting life is. There are no guarantees. We might be here until we're 100 years old, or we might check out in our twenties or thirties. We just don't know.
Time Management Tips
Time management is not about managing time. Time is a constant, it does not change. The only thing we can change is the management of ourselves.
Why Are We So Busy?
When I was researching "stress" for my book, a lot of people said they were stressed to the max and also too busy to read books. Why do we find ourselves too busy?
Stress Management
You get your budget all worked out and then gas prices soar and your commuting expenses send you back to the drawing board. A new baby arrives, someone falls ill or dies, and everything changes.
Making Every Day Sacred
So many of us rush blindly through our days, fall into bed exhausted, and wake up the next morning to do it all over again.
Self-Discipline and Moderation
What is self-discipline exactly, and why is it important? I think many people in our modern society struggle with self-control (I know I do). There are so many temptations staring us in the face each day.
Forming Healthy Habits
Our minds become conditioned to doing things in a certain way, simply because we have done them over and over again in that exact way. This can be a good thing or a bad thing.
Total Wellness
What would you consider to be your most precious possession? Your home? Car? Book collection? What about ... your body? It is surely your most precious possession because without it, you wouldn't be here.
Self-Care and Pampering
It is so important to take time to do nice things for ourselves. Especially for those of us who spend much of our time helping and caring for others, it is too easy to neglect ourselves and become worn out, stressed out and run down.
Financial Wellness: Savings
Many people may not realize the difference they can make in their budget by implementing easy savings tips that will add up in the long run!
Financial Wellness: Create a Wealth Fund
Got bills? We all do. But, who do you pay first after you deposit your paycheck?

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