Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How to Come Up with Fresh Blog Post Idea Fast

Generate Fresh Blog Posts Ideas
Sometimes, I do get stuck and out of idea to write new blog post. Blog posts idea do not always come automatically, ideas are generated through experience. I do have a lot of technical stuff to write about blogging and make money from blog but there are some ways to generate quick ideas and start writing new posts to your blog.

I am going to share with you the methods to generate ideas fast and write new fresh blog posts everyday.

I believe most bloggers do have problems to come up with new ideas to write fresh contents for their blog. When you are out of idea, you sit in front of your computer, stare blankly at the screen and wondering what should I write for my blog today? Sometimes, if we are lucky, ideas do pop-up but most of the time, staring blankly at the screen bring us no where, wasting our time and write nothing at all.

Read Other Blogs
Normally, what I do when I am out of idea, I will start reading other blogs. I will read blogs that are related to my blog but sometimes, I will read gadgets or lifestyle blogs. Undeniably, reading blogs that are closely related to my blog is a good way to generate ideas but sometimes, I am overwhelm with all the information and got myself too tired to get fresh ideas for my blog. So, I end up reading gadgets and lifestyle blogs to relax myself and keep myself up-to-date with the new gadgets and find out lifestyle of other bloggers.

Sometimes, ideas will suddenly pop in my mind when I am reading blogs and I find it interesting because ideas pop in my mind more often when I am reading gadgets and lifestyle blogs.

Add a Twist to Create New Blog Posts
When ideas pop up, I will normally add a twist to it and guess what, I got a new blog post idea.

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