Monday, December 5, 2011

Google AdSense Section Targeting Tutorial

How to Implement Google AdSense Section Targetting on Blogger's Blog
I believe that most of us already know what is section targeting of Google AdSense. The explanation is as shown below. Section targeting is important if you want to make more money from Google AdSense. You can increase AdSense earnings by using section targeting because it makes the AdSense Ads more relevant to your blog visitors.

Benefits of AdSense Section Targeting
Section targeting for Google AdSense means you use a piece of codes to make certain part of your blog posts more appealing to AdSense bots. You use the codes to create a section for the AdSense bots to target it as your main content and it will show relevant ads for your blog.

Google AdSense Section Targeting Codes
The codes below is the section targeting codes of Google AdSense. If you want to make sure that the AdSense Ads appear on your blog are more relevant to your blog contents. Section targeting increases AdSense Ads relevancy of your blog and this could help you make more money because users can get relevant ads to click on.

<!-- google_ad_section_start -->
<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

The example above is the usual way you enable Google AdSense section targeting on your blog. This method is simple and effective but you will have to always copy and paste the codes above whenever you update your blog. For me, I feel it quite time consuming to always do it manually. So, I make it easier using the methods below.

Implement Google AdSense Section Targeting Once and For All
If you want to implement Google AdSense section targeting once and it will apply to all your blog posts, you can follow the steps below:

Look for the 2 codes below in your blog's HTML (Expand your blog's HTML):
Change the codes above to the codes below by applying Google AdSense Section Targeting:
<!-- google_ad_section_start --><data:post.title/><!-- google_ad_section_end -->
<!-- google_ad_section_start --><data:post.body/><!-- google_ad_section_end -->

I highlighted the codes in red. So, try to make changes according to the picture above.

Finally, "Save Changes".

That is it. You have successfully implement Google AdSense Section Targeting on your blog. Now, the AdSense bot will take some time to check your blog and display more relevant ads on your blog.

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